Born in a small city just outside of Asheville, North Carolina, Taryn Allen participated in many sporting activities, including basketball, volleyball, and soccer, which impacted her life greatly. After experiencing chronic pain from injuries in her athletic career, she found yoga to recover both physically and mentally.
Living a healthy life mentally, physically and emotionally is extremely important to Taryn. Her love for life and passion to inspire people to live to their highest potential is contagious. Taryn lives her happiness in such a big way, that you will leave her yoga classes feeling refreshed, re-energized and fulfilled.
Taryn doesn’t teach the “typical” yoga class that you may be use to, in her classes you not only receive the physical benefits of yoga, but as a certified Master Life Coach she will help to elevate the mind and body experience to new levels
She was certified in the Barkan Method for Level 1, and Vinyasa Level 11, in 2014 and Vinyasa Level 11 again in 2015. During her last couple years of teaching yoga, she has worked with various different studios, including the Barkan Method Fort Lauderdale and Bikram Yoga Central Miami. Taryn has used yoga to help individuals from all walks of life, including entrepreneurs to grow their business and corporate executives to advance their career as well as manage stress. She also works with professional athletes and other athletic teams to improve mobility, flexibility, and strength.
Taryn is looking forward to being part of a wonderful team and hopes to continue to grow, change, and become a better version of herself. She is excited for this part of her journey; paying it forward, one yogi at a time with NamaStacy Yoga Corporation®!